David Condon

David Condon

Email: Private
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Dave 2014..

David Condon

Mailing Address:

12906 113th Place NE
Kirkland, WA 98034-6312

Phone: Private

Spouse: Marilyn


Cathy (1974)
Sarah (1977)
Michael (1984)
Diane (1986)
Barbara (1986)

2014 Reunion News:

In the last 50 years since high school, I have worked for and worked as the following:

I started work in 1969 as a teacher in the Lake Washington School District with plans to quit the following year. Amazingly, I worked another 37 years for the same district, teaching.

In 1975 I started doing a little construction work in the summer with a pickup truck. Amazingly, that grew to 6 big trucks, and 9 pieces of construction equipment with 10-12 employees. I built parks for King County, roads, many housing developments, and warehouses. I had that company for 22 years.

So in summary, most of my life I worked two jobs.

I retired from teaching in 2008. I sold my construction company in 1997.

In retirement I have an O-scale train layout that I have been working on for 12 years, I play with my train. I have a 40-foot trawler that I have had for 20 years, I still go boating. In retirement I am still an FCC examiner, still on the LWHC board of directors, and still help manage emergency services for Bellevue and Kirkland fire and police. Of our five kids, three still live in the Seattle area. Marilyn generally has a Sunday dinner and the three kids (actually adults) always show up. My oldest daughter in Boise still Horizons home all the time. My grandkids, second oldest daughter and son-in-law live in Auckland, which makes seeing them a bit of a challenge. It is a 17 hour flight from Seattle to Auckland. Marilyn and I still take short road trips and usually make it it Lewiston once a year for lunch at Sharps and that "special sauce". Remember when those hamburgers were 19 cents? Anyway, this year I would like to drive to Elkhart, Kansas, to see the Dust Bowl town. I know, Kansas?

So in summary, I am probably doing what most of the 1964 graduates are doing, just puttering around.

2004 Reunion News:

Past highlights: Sold my heavy construction business about 7 years ago. Got an amateur radio license about 10 years ago. Bought a refurbished Hammond organ and learned to play. I have taken over one room of our house with a Lionel train layout---they are all remote now. I spend a lot of time on my trawler which is docked in Everett. Both my wife and I are in good health and still love each other after all these years. I am teaching 4th grade and just having a ball with the 9-10 year old kids. In the 4th grade in Washington it's the WASL test and that's what I teach 9 months of the year.

Future Plans: I'll retire from teaching at 62 and move away from Kirkland. I would like to move to Clarkston but that places me a long way from the boat.

30 Year Reunion 1994

Current residence on file: Kirkland WA

20 Year Reunion 1984

Spouse's Name: Marilyn
Current residence: Kirkland WA
Occupation: Teacher/General Contractor
Spouse's Occupation: Librarian/President of a trucking company.
Family: Catherine 10; Sarah 7; David Michael born March 1 1984.
The last 10 years I have gone through a divorce but kept custody of my two daughters and remarried and have a son from the second marriage. I have remained a teacher in the Lake Washington School District and continue to own and operate Condon Construction Co Inc. I build off-on ramps, parks, plant developments, and do commercial site work. Marilyn operates Condon Corp, a common carrier dump truck operation. In looking back over the last 10 years, I'm glad they came and went…however…I wouldn't wish to relive them again. Dad died a year ago. I still miss him. Often I hear a joke or read something in the newspaper, but I can't call him anymore. I'm getting white hair too (just a little bit) but it's coming. I really enjoy my age and wife and children. I am planning to live to be 90!

10 Year Reunion 1974

Current residence: Kirkland WA
Occupation: Teacher
Spouse's Occupation: Teacher
Family: Expecting in April.
Graduated from UofI, accepted a teaching position in the Lake Washington School District, completed 5th year at UofW, completed M ED and principal's credentials at CWSC, worked as a vice-principal last year and returned to teaching this year. Married three years, wife is from MT and also a teacher n Lake Washington School District. Both of us spent the summer traveling around the US. With baby on the way, we recently purchased a new home in Kirkland and will probably spend most of the summer at home.

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