Micki Kremenak

Micki Kremenak

Micki Kremenak Annual Pix Caption
Micki Kremenak 2014

Micki (Kremenak) Jordan

Mailing Address:

7600 S. Jones Blvd #1074
Las Vegas NV 89139

Phone: 425-346-5488 (cell)

Spouse: John Jordan


Chad Edward (1982)
Kerri Ann (1983)

2014 Reunion News:

In the last 50 years since high school, I have worked for and worked as the following:

I worked for the State of Iowa Employment Service and taught Headstart (physical ed and crafts) in the first couple years out of college. I have been in the Insurance Industry both company and agency most of the rest of the time in various positions. Worked for Aetna Casualty and Surety; Hartford Insurance; Metropolitan Property and Casualty; IWest Insurance Brokers; AIG - Energy Division; R F Mattei; Burns & Wilcox; CIBA, (not necessarily in that order). Currently Manager - Risk Management and Insurance in the Corporate Risk Management Department of Caesars Entertainment.

Family information: Married 33 years to John Jordan; Son - Chad age 32; Daughter - Kerri age 31 married to Jordan, parents of Granddaughters - Alilyana Rose (Lily) just turned 4 and Aliyah Monroe just turned 5 months. Pet - cat named Furari - a 12 year old grouchy Maine Coon Tom Cat All of us live in Las Vegas. We have been here 7 years - kids both graduated from UNLV and are in the Hospitality Industry. We spend as much family time together as possible.

Education: Colleges - Ripon College, Ripon, WI; Lewis-Clark Normal School; Graduated from University of Iowa with B.S. in Sociology; Masters in Leadership from Bellevue University, Bellevue, NE Career - most of it in Insurance. Managed to live-in or work in all 50 states through out my career.

Getting ready to retire in October 2014. Plan on doing some writing. Have been a co-author (single chapter) in 6 Personal Development books. Have several ideas on several pieces of paper just waiting to be developed into something plus the beginning chapters of a Mystery.

We bought a Motorhome last year and plan to use it more wandering the countryside.

40 Year Reunion 2004 No input

30 Year Reunion 1994

Spouse's Name: John
Current residence: Mukilteo WA
Occupation: Sales/Insurance
Spouse's Occupation: Safety Engineer
Family: Chad 12; Kerri 11.
Number of grandchildren:
Places lived in the last 10 years: Mukilteo, Denver, Colorado Springs and Milwaukee.
Hobbies and other interests: Camping, skiing, reading, travel, computer
Plans or goals for the next 10 years: Get kids through college, take a long vacation, win the lottery and retire.
Major highlights of the last 10 years: Living in the same house for years; worked for the same company for eight years (but I quit last June!); traveled to Canada, Mexico and all but 5 US states.
Other News: I was recently in Lewiston on business and it was fun to check out some familiar spots.

20 Year Reunion 1984

Spouse's Name: John
Current residence: Green Mt Falls, CO
Occupation: Insurance-Marketing
Spouse's Occupation: Insurance-Safety engineer
Family: Chad Edward 26 months; Kerri Ann 1 year; Toby 3 and Sasha 5 black and white Siberian Huskies.
After living and working in all but 10 states, was married three years ago. We spent almost 3 years in Wisconsin, decided we liked the west much better, sold our house, packed all our belongings in a moving van we bought and headed west.

10 Year Reunion 1974

Current residence: Hoffman Estates, IL
I attended Ripon College, LCSC and U of Iowa. Received a BS in Sociology in Aug 1968 form U of Iowa. Worked 1 year for Iowa Employment /security Comm as Employability (hare to employ) Interviewer, taught Headstart 1 year. Worked 3 years as Technical Underwriter for Aetna Cas and Surety in Des Moines. Presently working for Kemper Insurance, Long Grove, IL (30 miles out of Chicago).

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