Charm School-1957

Lewiston's finest young ladies.... Mrs. Brown's Tog Shop Class!

Front Row (L2R): Sylvia Brotherton, #2, #3,

Second Row (L2R): #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11

Third Row (L2R): #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19

Forth Row (L2R): #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27

Back Row (L2R): #28, #29, #30, #31#32, #33, #34, #35, #36

If you can help identify any of these folk, send the web guy a note including the picture titles and the person(s) you can identify by row and placement.

(Thanks to Sylvia Brotherton for sharing this photo)